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Assyrian Audio Bible is the only site on the web that offers an audio of the Word of God in the Assyrian language. All the audio tapes are a gift and no cost involved to the requestee. They are working to have Assyrian Audion Bible on CD's. All you need to do is to e-mail them to: or put a request on the Assyrian link Please pray for the work of this important Assyrian Ministry.

Check out the 1622 Syriac Bible featured on the BOOKS page!

British Museum to help Iraq
Ninevah Library to be reconstructed

By Martin Bailey

LONDON. Iraq is to launch a campaign to "revive" the Ashurbanipal Library, the earliest systematically collected and catalogued library in the ancient world.

Excavated by UK archaeologists in the mid 19th century at Nineveh, the 25,000 cuneiform tablets assembled by King Ashurbanipal are almost all now in the British Museum (BM). These include the famous 7th-century BC Flood Tablet, which relates part of the Epic of Gilgamesh and bears many similarities with the account of the flood given in the Book of Genesis.

Last month Iraqi archaeologists asked the BM if it would allow casts to be made of the cuneiform tablets. Although individual tablets have in the past been copied as casts, this would be the first time that any substantial number had been made. BM keeper John Curtis, who received the request during his visit to Baghdad last month, told The Art Newspaper that the museum would do its best to cooperate.

Making copies should not pose a major conservation problem, and casts could probably be taken of all except for particularly fragile tablets. The BM would have to be paid for its costs, but the Iraqis have suggested that funding could come from an international organisation concerned with heritage.

The proposed reconstructed library at Nineveh would hold copies of all of the BMs tablets, and it is planned as both a scholarly centre and tourist attraction. Alongside the library, the Saddam [Hussein] Institute for Cuneiform Studies will be set up as part of the University of Mosul. Plans are also being made to excavate one of the wings of King Ashurbanipals palace, in Kuyunjik Mound, where it is hoped that thousands of other tablets lie buried.

Dr Curtis is keen that the BM should maintain its ties with Iraq, despite American claims that Saddam Hussein is developing weapons of mass destruction


The "Gutenberg Bible" of Modern Syriac
This small booklet, translated "Lessons from the Words of God," was the first ever printed in modern Syriac or Assyrian. It was printed at the press of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions at Urmia, Persia, in 1841, under the direction of Edward Breath, a missionary and printer. Justin Perkins was, at the time, the head of this early Protestant mission to the Nestorians.



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Spot Light

 An Appeal to the United Nations by Evin Agassi
Ireland Independent Media Center, Ireland
Mon, Jan 6 2003


YAA KHELAAWAAT'E GOOR'E oh great powerful nations MELCH'E[1] GAABAAR'E[2]. mighty[2] kings[1]. HELOON ARRATAN[3] QAATAAN give us -our land-[3] MARRMAAKH'LA AATAAN[33]. and we shall raise -our flag-[33] SHOOQOON QAAT OOMPTAAN[4] KHAAYAA let -our nation-[4] live KHAYOOTAA BAAYAA it wants to live OOMPTAAN KHAYOOTA BAAYAA our nation wants to live. SHOOQOON QAAT KHAYAA. let it live.


A song that has been translated and distributed to all of the United Nation members. The deception by the British for a proclamation mandate for the creation of an Assyrian state caused the death of almost 1,000,000 Assyrians (2/3 of our population) lives by massacres from the Turkish, Arab, Persian, and Kurdish populous. After World War One, the Assyrians ("The Smallest Ally" as the British called us) suffered great casualties and a started a mass exodus to countries around the world (especially between the years 1919 and 1923.) The burden of blame falls upon the shoulders of the British (as if they don't have enough blood on their hands) for pulling the rug on the mandate, guaranteeing an Assyrian State and having us fall before the Muslim sword. This was due to the fact that oil was recently discovered in that area, and they knew that they would not have complete access to that oil if Assyrians controlled the area. Knowing that it would be easier to control the arabs, the deception commenced. Evin's song, "HABANIA" puts it bluntly, "For that black blood, what red blood was poured". Indelible as our blood is on British hands, it is also shared with the perpetrators of the massacres. The same perpetrators of the genocide of 1,100,000 of our Christian brothers, the Armenians, in Eastern Turkey. The suffrage of the Armenians is not well acknowledged by most of the world and ours in completely ignored. Our persecution still continues. It is one of the only areas in the world where a first class population is treated as second class citizens by third class people. Disbursed throughout the world, Assyrians current enemy is assimilation. Gratified that we can live in such a beautiful country, a great burden is placed on EACH individual to maintain the culture and our most significant triumph is to keep the our ancient language, Aramaic, alive. We have survived 100 generations, but it only takes one to lose our identity. With that as the largest hurdle, the rest is easy.

related link:

HISTORY: Assyrians Look Longingly At The Jewish Homeland  One day in 1943, Labor Zionist essayist Hayim Greenberg was visited in New York by a stranger claiming to represent, of all things, the Assyrian nation.  [more]


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